Have you completed our quiz?
Do you dream of spending your golden years travelling the world and engaging in all your favourite activities, but are unsure how you would be able to pay for it? If so, a Lifetime Mortgage could be your best chance of making your dreams a reality.
If you wish to improve your retirement options but are unsure if equity release is the best option, we may have the solution for you. We can assist you in determining whether later-life lending is the best course of action for your future with the help of our equity release quiz.
The quiz challenges three separate personal qualities of an individual by asking a series of questions.
Knowledge is the first personal characteristic the quiz considers. The quiz asks questions to determine how familiar you are with the concept of lifetime mortgages and helps fill in any knowledge gaps toy may have by educating you on areas you may have previously been unaware of.
It next looks at personal qualities, and asks you a series of personal questions to figure out what plans you have already made for your retirement lifestyle. Once we are aware of your specific circumstances, we can assist you in determining whether a lifetime mortgage is the most beneficial method of financing your retirement.
Qualification is the last consideration of the quiz. The simple questions will help us determine if you would be eligible for later-life lending based on your specific circumstances.
After the quiz is completed, a report with an overall score will be produced. You will be given a score for each of the three considerations, a summary of all three sections, a total score that is the average of the three, and recommendations for your next course of action.
This quiz can be beneficial if you are considering equity release as it gives you an instant personalised report that is entirely unique to you. It can help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses and give you a better understanding of how an equity release adviser can assist you before you get in touch.
It is important to remember that navigating your finances through later life and into retirement can be tricky, especially as there are now so many options available to those aged 55+. Expert advice is crucial to ensure the best outcome based on your specific and individual needs.
If you are considering a Lifetime Mortgage after completing the quiz, our highly experienced Equity Release Adviser is here to take you through the next steps.
With a better understanding of your situation, Joanne will be able to offer you specialised guidance and assist you in exploring all of the options that are available to you in a clear and concise manner.
Get in touch with Joanne today for quality, professional advice on equity release.